Special Soft Dried Mango - Fruit Tropi

Ingredients: 100% fresh mango, non-GMO
Description: Produced by F&G FOOD VIETNAM. Ready to use.
Storage conditions: In a dry, cool place at temperatures from 0 to +20 degrees.
Price: Contact
Soft dried mango is naturally sweet, rich. It’s simply mango with no additives or sweeteners. We source the sweetest and choicest mango “cheeks” we could find, so the pieces are large and delicious. Product ensures food safety because they are dried in a closed cycle and not exposed to external environment.
Mango is a specialty fruit of the tropics with high nutritional value, containing most of the vitamins and minerals beneficial to health such as Vitamins B1, B2, B6, A, C, Potassium, Calcium, ... With only 100g of mango, it meets 100% of the daily requirement of Vitamin C and Vitamin A for an average person.

Ingredients: Mango
Usage: Ready to eat.
Moisture: ≤ 25%
Storage: Store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight.